Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 12
Information Management
Process in Continuous
Improvement Area at
Worldwide Steel Company
Gabriela Alves
FEAD, Brazil
Jorge Neves
UFMG, Brazil
This chapter aims to present specific features concerning information management in the Continuous
Improvement area of the Americas Long Carbon sector in ArcelorMittal. The aim is also to learn what
the informational resources related to continuous improvement area are and describe how the process
of managing information actually happens. The study was based on theoretical models of Davenport
(1998) and Choo (2006) and tried to understand how the efficient management of information can aid
in decision making at organizations. The result of the documentary research revealed the existence of
initiatives throughout the different units in the Americas and also revealed corporate tools for informa-
tion management. The field research results indicate the need for a structured and formalized model of
information management that responds to users in adequate time, while alert to the need for policies that
encourage the sharing of information related to the improvement of processes, products and services.
one might be related to the fact that the use of
the information strategies is much harder than to
simply talk about it. (McGee & Prusak, 1994 p.17)
According to Drucker (2000, p.10), companies
have no choice but to become a company based
on information.
Prahalad (1997) believes that a company ac-
tually controls its destiny when it has the ability
To say we are in an economy based on knowledge
or information has become a habit. However, until
today just a few organizations integrate knowledge
and strategies. There are several possible expla-
nations for this phenomenon. The more likely
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