Information Technology Reference
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Figure 1. BI-FIT model, based on the TTF model
tween and consequences of BI-specific individual,
task and technology characteristics.
information technologies and systems to their
work, also defined as end-user computing compe-
tency (Yoon, 2008, p. 415). Several studies have
examined acceptance and usage of BI or related
systems (DSS, EIS, ESS, MIS etcetera) focusing
among others at individual characteristics, and
have identified computer proficiency (also named
IT know-how, computer experience, IT skills)
and analytical capabilities as influencing factors
(Agarwal & Prasad, 1999; Dixon, 1999; Hung,
2003; Pijpers et al., 2001; Seeley & Targett, 1999;
Taylor & Todd, 1995). A BI end-user with a high
computer proficiency is more likely to successfully
use advanced BI-tool functionalities and contrari-
wise. The same applies for analytical capabilities.
For example, the degree of computer proficiency
and analytical abilities required to understand and
draw conclusions based upon a simple report is
quite different from the capabilities necessary to
create a customized report.
Therefore, computer proficiency and analyti-
cal capabilities are used to classify BI end-users
focusing on their individual characteristics, by
dividing them into three groups: Novice, Power
and Expert end-users, as depicted in Figure 2. In
addition, end-users are divided based upon whether
they solely consume or also produce information.
The reasoning behind this is that some end-users
will take a hands-on approach to tools and data,
bi-fit frAMeWork
One of the main objectives of any BI-implemen-
tation is to meet the diverse needs of a diverse
set of end-users. Therefore, the first require-
ment is to understand “who” the end-users are
in order to determine “what” they need (Gile,
2003). As discussed above, end-users are not
equal, and therefore have different requirements.
Unfortunately, in most cases it is not possible to
develop a customized solution for each individual
end-user. Therefore, there is a need for end-user
segmentation, in order to understand the needs
of the different user constituencies within the BI
end-user community, since each has a different
set of requirements and preferences. Based on the
factors that influence the BI-FIT which were dis-
cussed above, a BI end-user segmentation model
is developed which is described in the remainder
of this chapter.
individual characteristics
Individuals within an organization need the abil-
ity to perform their task efficiently by applying
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