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Figure 1. The intentional view
struct views of processes that are weakly
coupled between them. Four views are ex-
tracted from combining BPDM packages.
The fifth view which is the intentional
view that is not considered in BPDM was
inspired from (List & Korherr, 2006). The
different views will be described in the fol-
lowing section.
of the Enterprise Goal (s). The view determines
the type of the process. Core processes are used
to characterize the business entities of the orga-
nization as they reflect the operational side of
the system. Support processes are generic and
common processes that may be used by different
business processes. Monitoring processes control
and supervise the functioning of other processes.
The intentional view specifies also the C ustomer (s)
of the process which is the external beneficiary
of the process and the Process Owner which is
the organism or the agent owning the process and
having the right to modify it.
A MuLti-VieW business
process MetAModeL
The proposed metamodel consists of 5 comple-
mentary views which highlight the different
elements needed to define a business process.
We used the class diagram of UML to represent
the different views. The transparent classes are
new classes that we used to extend the BPDM
metamodel. Grey classes are classes already
present in BPDM.
the functional View
A process is a set of activities. Each activity
may contain several levels of refinement. Some
methods and languages require a specific num-
ber of levels in the hierarchy of a process, which
lays to problems in the case of long and complex
processes. The functional view of our metamodel
solves this problem since it gives the modeler a
certain degree of liberty to choose the number
of modeling levels suitable for his issue. This
view presented in figure 2, depicts the different
functional entities of a process and the links of
composition between them. We distinguish be-
tween Global Process and Detailed Process. In the
the intentional View
The intentional view (see figure 1) is not included
in BPDM. It was inspired from the contextual
perspective proposed in (List & Korherr, 2006)
which we simplified. This view specifies the
Process Goal and its position in the entire set
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