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depression have been also reported in patients with vertebral fractures. All
together, these factors have an important impact on patients' health-related
quality of life (Qol) (Kanis et al ., 1992).
Severe trauma caused by accidents is also noteworthy among the most
important musculoskeletal conditions that affect contemporary society. The
severe injuries caused by traffic accidents and war produce a tremendous
demand for preventive and restorative help. It is anticipated that 25% of the
health expenditure of developing countries will be spent on trauma-related
care by the year 2010. recent world health statistics from the WHo revealed
that road traffic accidents will emerge as the fifth leading cause of death by
the year 2030 (WHo, 2008). Thus, it is expected that severe bone trauma
related to this cause will also increase during this period of time.
1.3 Economic burden of musculoskeletal
The costs of illness are generally divided into three categories: direct costs,
indirect costs and intangible costs. Direct costs include expenditure for
medical care and related items. These include expenditure for physician
visits, diagnostic tests, prescription and over-the-counter medications, hospital
stays, aids and devices, and outpatient surgical procedures.
Indirect costs are those resulting from lost function in one's usual activity,
including work disability, sick leave or reduced productivity associated with
a reduction in work hours or a need to change the nature of one's work
to reduce pain and improve physical function. A number of studies have
shown the significant effect of musculoskeletal conditions on employment
(Blyth et al ., 2001). Depending on the specific condition, the indirect costs
of musculoskeletal conditions may equal, or even exceed, the direct costs.
Intangible costs are those associated with loss of function, increased pain
and reduced quality of life. As observed, disability is a significant outcome
of musculoskeletal diseases. The limitations associated with these conditions
include limitations of the activities of daily living, reduction in leisure and
community activities, chronic pain and psychological problems, including
depression and anxiety, and reduced general health.
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1.3.1 Direct costs of musculoskeletal conditions
The direct costs associated with musculoskeletal conditions are substantial,
especially among persons with arthritis. The reason behind these increased
direct medical costs is mainly due to the increasing number of higher cost
drug therapies. other medical treatment with attendant high costs include
total joint replacement surgery, which is common among persons with
rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and it is expected to increase over
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