Graphics Reference
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2.2 Stereoscopicvideoandcapturetechnologies
braintoperceive thedepthofascene(seeFigure2.3).Accordingto [7], accurateperception
of depth by human visual systemcanbeattributedtotwomaincategoriesofdepthcues.The
physiologicalandpsychologicaldepth cuesmentionedin [7] areasfollows:
Physiological depth cues
• Binocular disparity: The dissimilarity in views due to the relative location of
each eye.
• Accommodation: The change in the focal length of the lens in the eye caused
by muscles in the eye to produce a focused image on the retina.
• Convergence: The rotation of eyes to align or merge the left and right eye
images into a single image with perceived depth.
• Motion parallax: The difference in views produced by moving the scene or
the viewer. For example, in a movie it is possible to realize the size of an object
which is speeding towards the viewer based on the relative change in size with
time. This cue often differentiates the realism of a video from that of a still
• Chroma-stereopsis: The difference in apparent depth due to the colour of
an object from refraction effectsinthe eyes.
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