Graphics Reference
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2.1 Different3Dvideorepresentations
3D objects can be reconstructed from the captured real world images, which provide the
user the impression of 3D video. The methods of reconstruction and capture of the image
sequencesarebased ontherequirementsofthetargetedapplicationscenario.Accordingtothe
classificationofMPEG-3DAV (MotionPictureExpertGroup-3DAudioVisual),threescene
representations of 3D video have been identified,namelyomni-directional(panoramic)
video,interactivemultiple-viewvideo(free-viewpoint video) and stereo video [2]. Omni-
directional video allows the user to look around a scene (e.g. IMAX- Dome). This is an
extension of planar 2D image into a spherical or cylindrical image plane. Figure 2.1 shows
some example omni-directional images generated with the Dodeca™ 1000 camera system
and post-processedwithcorrespondingImmersiveMediatechnology [3].
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