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5 3Dvideodisplaytechnologies
• 3Ddisplaycategories.
• 3Dviewingaids.
• Auto-stereoscopic displays.
3Ddisplaysare thelastnode inthe3D videochainand expecttoproduce pleasingpictures
toend-users. The 3D displays generate a number of physiological cues such as binocular
disparity, motion parallax, ocular convergence and accommodation in order to produce
discomfort and fatigue. Unlike standard video displays(e.g.PCmonitor),3Dvideorequires
specialdisplaytechniquesoradditionalviewingaidssuch as polarization glasses and shut-
ter glasses. Furthermore, only the cost effective and adaptive displays willenable3Dvideo
ineveryhousehold.For,exampleratherthanhavingaspecific3Ddisplayathome, a single
thedisplay typeusedinthisresearcharediscussedinthefollowing.
The 3D display techniques can be categorized into three main types namely;
• Volumetric displays
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