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Video streaming over the Internet has become one of the most popular applications and In-
ternet 3D video streaming is expected to become more popular in the future, also thanks
to the recently standardized wireless systems, including WIMAX, 3GPP LTE / LTE ad-
tems, enabling the transmission of high bandwidth multimedia data. For such applications
the target of the system design should be the maximization of the final quality perceived
by the user, or Quality of Experience (QoE), rather than only of the performance of the
network intermsof“classical”qualityofservice (QoS)parameters suchasthroughputand
delay. 3D video services, and in particular those delivered through wireless and mobile
channels,face anumber ofchallenges duetothe need tohandle alargeamount ofdata and
to the possible limitations due to the characteristics of the transmission channel and of the
device. This can result in perceivable impairments originated in the different steps of the
communication system, from content production to display techniques.
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