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when I take a wrong turn, like I did coming out of El Salvador, I have
to be philosophical and accept that these things are going to happen.
Tomorrow is another day.
We stripped the American Red Cross decals off our vehicles today
after we learned how much Nicaraguans hate the United States. We
don't want to be mistaken for Americans and attacked.
sePtember 7
Nicaragua has no rival as the worst place I have run through. There is
a nastiness in the air, and people seem to be on the verge of violence.
I am genuinely concerned for my safety. In other Central American
countries, much to my surprise, the police have been helpful and hon-
est. In Nicaragua, they have been unfriendly and openly corrupt. I've
seen them stop motorists and demand money on many occasions.
Their method is to topic a driver for some imaginary defect on their
car and then offer to let them off if they fork out some cash. Another
giveaway that there are serious problems with Nicaraguan cops is
Into the third wor ld.
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