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focused on a school and a clinic. It is estimated that the total
budget for this project is around AUD$60,000 but we expect
to receive a final budget within the next few days. If you think
this is a suitable project, please let me know and we can get the
ball rolling.
I could think of no more apt project to help to fund, and I replied,
saying, 'Let's do it, and do it now.'
august 13
In Alvarado today, about 80 kilometres south of Veracruz and still on
the east coast, I realised I was more than a third of the way into my
run, the run they said I would never complete. I feel pretty weary and
sore, and I keep having to tell myself that when you have run as far as
you think you possibly can, you have only gone half as far as you are
capable of running. I thought today of the approaching Darién Gap,
between Panama and Colombia, which Bernie has assured me—and
gri t and petro l fum es e nvelo ped me in mex ican towns .
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