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shows the sequences of pcPNA additives (as well as those of DNA substrate near the
scission sites). Invasion of Two pcPNAs into Double-stranded DNA
The invasion complex was formed simply by incubating the linearized DNA with
pcPNA (1) and pcPNA (2) , as clearly evidenced by a gel shift assay. These two pcPNA
additives are complementary with C1826-A1840 in the upper strand of the linearized
DNA and A1821-G1835 in its lower strand, respectively [Figure 7.9(a)]. Accordingly,
when these pcPNA additives invade the linearized DNA, a gap-like structure is formed
in each strand [T1821-T1825 of the upper strand and G1836-T1840 in the lower strand:
underlined bases in Figure 7.9(a)]. These gap-like (single-stranded) sites are the scis-
sion targets.
Figure 7.10 Agarose gel electrophoresis patterns for Ce( IV )/EDTA-induced
site-selective hydrolysis of double-stranded DNA by Ce( IV )/EDTA and pcPNA
additives. Bands were detected by staining with GelStar. (a) Site-selective
hydrolysis of linearized PBR322 using pcPNAs. Lane 1, control; lane 2, Ce( IV )/
EDTA only; lane 3, pcPNA (1) /pcPNA (2) +Ce( IV )/EDTA; lane 4, pcPNA (3) /
pcPNA (4) +Ce( IV )/EDTA; M, 1000 base pair ladder. [linearized PBR322] = 4 n M ,
[each of pcPNAs] = 100 n M ,[Ce( IV )/EDTA] = 20
M , [NaCl] = 100m M ,atpH7.0
(5.0m M Hepes buffer) and 37 8 C. (b) Direct site-selective hydrolysis of su-
percoiled PBR322. Lane 1, control; lane 2, pcPNA (1) /pcPNA (2) +Ce( IV )/EDTA;
lane 3, EcoRI digests of the products in lane 2.
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