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which the electrophysiological data supplies further information about the way the
user perceives the sound (beyond verbal labels or gestures for instance). In contrast
with the explicit BCI, this con
guration is well adapted to intuitive synthesis
control. Therefore, we suggested a
semiotic-based BCI
founded on identi
links between the brain activity and invariant signal morphologies re
ecting the
attribution of sense to a sound that may enhance the interactivity and the intui-
tiveness of the system.
1. What are the characteristics of the representational-computational paradigm of
2. What are the characteristics of the enactive paradigm of perception?
3. What is the difference between physical and signal sound synthesis models?
4. What are the main limitations of the use of physical models for sound
5. How can the invariant sound morphologies be determined?
6. Which invariant sound morphologies are related to the perception of material in
an impact sound?
7. Which aspects should be taken into account in the design of a control strategy
based on a representational-computational or an enactive paradigm?
8. What are the characteristics of explicit (or active) BCI?
9. What are the characteristics of implicit (or passive) BCI?
10. What is the purpose of offering intuitive control of sound synthesis processes
using BCI?
Aramaki M, Besson M, Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S (2009) Timbre perception of sounds from
impacted materials: behavioral, electrophysiological and acoustic approaches. In: Ystad S,
Kronland-Martinet R, Jensen K (eds) Computer music modeling and retrieval
genesis of
Aramaki M, Besson M, Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S (2011) Controlling the perceived material in
an impact sound synthesizer. IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang Process 19(2):301
meaning of sound and music, vol 5493., LNCSSpringer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 1
Aramaki M, Gondre C, Kronland-Martinet R, Voinier T, Ystad S (2010a) Imagine the sounds: an
intuitive control of an impact sound synthesizer. In: Ystad S, Aramaki M, Kronland-Martinet
R, Jensen K (eds) Auditory display, vol 5954., Lecture notes in computer scienceSpringer,
Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 408
Aramaki M, Marie C, Kronland-Martinet R, Ystad S, Besson M (2010b) Sound categorization and
conceptual priming for nonlinguistic and linguistic sounds. J Cogn Neurosci 22(11):2555
Ar b D (1979) Digital synthesis of complex spectra by means of multiplication of non-linear
distorted sine waves. J Audio Eng Soc 27:757
Atal BS, Hanauer SL (1971) Speech analysis and synthesis by linear prediction of the speech
wave. J Acoust Soc Am 50(2B):637 - 655
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