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Fig. 9.20 Relationship between the genome and the slope criterion
To create a child, two parents are required. A tournament is used to select candidate
solutions, keeping the best individual from a randomly selected group (the one with
the highest rating based on
fitness). The tournament size is set to 2, this keeps
selection pressure low and helps maintain a high diversity in the population. The
tournament selection is repeated twice to select two parents (tournament
), which are used by the crossover operator to create a single child. The
electrode speci
ed by the resulting child is located halfway between the electrodes
ed by both parents. The frequency information is combined using the logical
operator given in Table 9.2 . This crossover is used to balance the production of 1
and 0 s. For a given frequency, when the two parents share the same value (1 for a
selected frequency or 0 for a non-selected frequency), the child inherits this value.
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