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Fig. 6.1 Schematic diagram
of the dimensional emotion
Arousal +
Energy +
Tension +
Valence +
Russell's circumplex model
Thayer's model
emphasizing the value of a hierarchical perspective of emotional expressivity. It
analyzes a three-level hierarchy incorporating at the highest level a general bipolar
happiness versus unhappiness dimension, an independent positive affect versus
negative affect dimension at the second-order level below it and discrete expres-
sivity factors (joy, sadness hostility, fear) at the base. The key to this hierarchical
structure is the recognition that the general bipolar factor of happiness and inde-
pendent dimensions of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) are better
viewed as different levels of abstraction within a hierarchical model, rather than as
competing models at the same level of abstraction. Thus, the hierarchical model of
affect accounted for both bipolarity of pleasantness
unpleasantness and the inde-
pendence of PA and NA effectively.
Both circumplex and Tellegen-Watson models have gained empirical support,
and their advantages and drawbacks have been actively debated in the literature
(Watson et al. 1999 ; Russel and Caroll 1999 ).
The dimensional models have been criticized in the past that fail to differentiate
between emotions such as anger and fear that are very close on the affect plane.
Many studies using valence and arousal showed that two-dimensional models
cannot capture all the variance in music-induced emotions (Collier 2007 ). In a
multi-dimensional scaling approach used to explore the underlying structure of
emotional responses to music, it was found that in addition to the two dimensions, a
third dimension related to kinetics is necessary (Bigand et al. 2005 ).
Over the years, three-dimensional models with different dimensions have been
proposed. Wundt ( 1896 ) proposed a three-dimensional model with the three
dimensions of pleasure
Schlossberg ( 1954 ) proposed a three-dimensional model with three main dimen-
sions related to arousal, valence, and control. The most known three-dimensional
model is a modi
displeasure, arousal
calmness, and tension
cation of Russell
is model with a Thayer
is variant having three
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