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State Space Formulation
This section first introduces the notations underlying the mathematical modeling.
Then, an open-loop and a closed-loop state space model are drawn up, enabling the
statement of the problem.
, x O , y O , z O ) is
The forthcoming state space model hinges on three frames. F O =( O
, x S , y S , z S ) is rigidly linked to the camera, with S
the optical center and z S on the optical axis. The third frame F T =( T
associated to the world. F S =( S
, x T , y T , z T ),at-
tached to the target, is defined as the situation to be reached by F S . The target is fitted
with M spots T 1 ,
T 2 ,...
T M , arranged so that to any configuration of their perspec-
tive projections S 1 ,
S M onto the camera image plane corresponds a unique
sensor-target relative situation. Let ( ST i ) ( F S ) =( x i y i z i ) and ( TT i ) ( F T ) =( a i b i c i )
be the coordinates of T i , i = 1
S 2 ,...
M , in frames F S and F T . The metric coordi-
nates ( SS i ) ( F S ) =( x i y i f ) of S i , i = 1
M , in frame F S thus satisfy x i = f x i
z i
y i = f y i
z i , with f the camera focal length. In addition, the reference values of x i and
y i write as x i = f a i
and y i = f b i
c i .
c i
Open-loop State Space Model
The way the 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) camera is caused to move and its in-
teraction with the environment are described by an open-loop state space model.
In the considered kinematic context, its control input is the velocity screw u
( v x v y v z ω x ω y ω z ) , with ( v x v y v z ) and ( ω x ω y ω z ) the entries in F S of the translational
and rotational velocities of F S with respect to F O .
As every variable of the system in open-loop is a memoryless function of the
sensor-target relative situation, the state vector can be set to x =( t r ) with t
(resp. r ) a parametrization of the relative translation (resp. relative attitude) between
F S and F T . The subvectors t and r can respectively be made up with the entries
( ST ) ( F S ) =( t x t y t z ) in frame F S of the vector joining S and T , and with the Bryant
angles 1 ( λμν ) turning ( x S , y S , z S ) into ( x T , y T , z T ). The output vector y is defined
as the input to the controller. For a position-based scheme, y is equal to x .When
considering an image-based servo, one sets y = s
x M y M )
s ,where s
( x 1 y 1
depicts the projection of the visual features, and s is its reference value.
The state equation, which explains the effect of the velocity screw onto the rela-
tive sensor-target situation, is obtained from rigid body kinematics. For 2D servos,
the output equation accounts for the interaction between the sensor-target relative
situation and the coordinates of the features' perspective projections. The state space
model, detailed in the companion report of [11], has the general form
r is single-valued (μ = ± 2 , z S z T ) as soon as a visibility constraint is added to the
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