Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Stock Symbol
Quantity True
Price True
Total Value
Quantity * price in dollar format
Below is an example of this section.
Account Detail
SHLD 100 $71.98 $7,198.00
CME 50
289.65 14482.50
Total Account Value $276,633.73
Print Statement Header: As the batch process, at the top of each page I will print
a header. This will provide generic information about the account, the
customer, and the brokerage. Acceptance criteria:
The header is all static text except for the customer's address and account
Following is an example of the header, where the Michael Minella name and
address are the customer's name and address, and the account number is
the customer's account number:
Brokerage Account Statement
Apress Investment Company
Customer Service Number
1060 West Addison St.
(800) 867-5309
Chicago, IL 60613
Available 24/7
Michael Minella
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Chicago, IL 60606
Account Number 10938398571278401298
That does it for the requirements. If your head is spinning about now, that's ok. In the next section,
you begin to outline how to tackle this statement process with Spring Batch. Then, over the rest of this
book, you learn how to implement the various pieces required to make it work.
Designing a Batch Job
As stated before, the goal of this project is to take a real-world example and work through it using the
features that Spring Batch provides to create a robust, maintainable solution. In order to accomplish this
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