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provides a batching functionality similar to JdbcBatchItemWriter 's implementation without dealing
directly with the SQL.
Configuring HibernateItemWriter is simple. All but the configuration of the actual ItemWriter
should be familiar, because it's the same as the configuration and coding you did for the Hibernate-
supported ItemReaders. To modify formatJob to use Hibernate, you need to update the following:
The pompom: The POM needs to incorporate the Hibernate dependencies. : You use annotations to configure the mapping for the Customer
object, so you need to add those to the Customer class.
SessionFactory : You need to configure both the SessionFactory and a new
TransactionManager to support Hibernate.
HibernateItemWriter : You can configure the new ItemWriter using
HibernateItemWriter .
Let's start with the POM updates. For Hibernate to work with Spring Batch, you need to include the
Hibernate dependencies as well as Spring's ORM-supporting dependencies. Listing 9-31 shows the
additions you need to make to the POM.
Listing 9-31. Pom Additions for Supporting Hibernate
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