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Hibernate since you have named the columns in the database the same as the attributes in your object.
For simplicity, you will mark the Transaction attribute as @Transient so that Hibernate ignores it.
Once you have Hibernate as part of your project and map your classes, you can configure Hibernate.
To configure Hibernate, you will need to configure a SessionFactory, update your transaction manager,
and create a hibernate.cfg.xml to tell Hibernate where to find the domain objects. Let's look at the
updates to the launch-context.xml file first. Here you will add the session factory as well as change the
transaction manager to use Spring's HibernateTransactionManager. Listing 7-45 shows the updates to
the launch-context.xml .
Listing 7-45. Launch-config.xml Updates
<bean id="sessionFactory"
<property name="dataSyource" ref="dataSyource" />
<property name="configLocation">
<property name="configurationClass">
<property name="hibernateProperties">
<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.format_sql">true</prop>
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />
The SessionFactory you are using requires three things: a dataSource to provide a database
connection to the Hibernate Session it creates, the location of the Hibernate configuration file (which is
in the root of your class path in this case), and, since you are using Hibernate's annotations to map your
domain objects, the org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration class for Hibernate to be able to read
the mappings. The only other dependency you provide for the SessionFactory is configuring Hibernate
to log and format the SQL it generates via the hibernateProperties.
The other change you made to the launch-context.xml file is to change the transactionManager
implementation you are using. You will be using Spring's
org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransactionManager instead of the
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager you have been using up to this
To configure Hibernate itself, you need to provide a hibernate.cfg.xml file in the root of your
classpath. To do this, you create a new file in <myprojectname>/src/main/resources called
hibernate.cfg.xml . Listing 7-46 shows that its sole use in your example is to list your domain classes for
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