Java Reference
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Because the JobLauncher interface doesn't guarantee whether a job is run synchronously or
asynchronously, SimpleJobLauncher (the only JobLauncher implementation provided by Spring Batch)
leaves it up to the developer by running the job in Spring's TaskExecutor . By default, SimpleJobLauncher
uses Spring's SyncTaskExecutor , which executes the job in the current thread. Although this is ok in
many instances, this option is a limiting factor for the number of jobs you run within a single JVM.
Let's look at how SimpleJobLauncher is configured. Listing 6-1 shows its configuration with the
optional taskExecutor property set. This property allows you, as said previously, to specify the algorithm
used for launching jobs. In this case, you're using Spring's SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor to launch the job in
a new thread. However, you can easily configure this to use ThreadPoolTaskExecutor to control the
number of threads available
Listing 6-1. SimpleJobLauncher Configured with a Task Executor
<bean id="taskExecutor"
<bean id="jobLauncher"
<property name="jobRepository" ref="jobRepository" />
<property name="taskExecutor" ref="taskExecutor"/>
Although the JobLauncher kicks off the job and defines how it's run (synchronously,
asynchronously, in a thread pool, and so on), it's the job runner that you interact with when you want to
launch a job (as you did in the last chapter's JMX job runner). Next you look at the two job runners that
Spring Batch provides out of the box: CommandLineJobRunner and JobRegistryBackgroundJobRunner .
Spring Batch Job Runners
When you look at the Spring Batch API, although theoretically there are many ways to run a job (launch
it via a servlet, the command line, JMX, and so on), the framework provides only the two runners and . All other options—
servlet, JMX, and so forth—must be custom developed. Let's look at how CommandLineJobRunner and
JobRegistryBackgroundJobRunner are used and why, starting with CommandLineJobRunner .
CommandLineJobRunner is the runner you've been using up to now. It serves as an interface for your batch
processes via the command line. It's useful for calling jobs from either a terminal or, more commonly,
shell scripts. It provides four features:
Loads the appropriate ApplicationContext based on the passed parameter
Parses command-line arguments into a JobParameters object
Locates the job requested based on the parameters passed
Uses the configured JobLauncher to execute the requested job
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