Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5-1. Methods of the JobExplorer
Returns all
JobExecutions without
an end time.
JobExecution getJobExecution(java.lang.Long executionId)
Returns the
JobExecution identified
by the supplied id and
null if not found.
java.util.List<JobExecution> getJobExecutions( JobInstance instance) Returns a list of all
JobExecutions related to
the JobInstance
JobInstance getJobInstance(java.lang.Long instanceId)
Returns the JobInstance
identified by the
supplied id or null if
none is found.
java.util.List<JobInstance> getJobInstances( java.lang.String
jobName, int start, int count)
Returns a range of
JobInstances starting
with the index specified
(the start parameter).
The final parameter
specifies the maximum
number of JobInstances
to return.
java.util.List<java.lang.String> getJobNames()
Returns all unique job
names from the job
repository in
alphabetical order.
StepExecution getStepExecution(java.lang.Long jobExecutionId,
java.lang.Long stepExecutionId)
Returns the specified
StepExecution based on
the id of the
StepExecution and the
id of its parent
As you can see, the entire job repository is available from the methods exposed by the JobExplorer
interface. However, before you can put the JobExplorer to use, you need to configure it. Listing 5-7
shows how to configure the JobExplorer in the launch-context.xml file.
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