HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Selects the interactive element out
of a group that is the default choice.
Generally used with input elements.
{color: red;}
/* makes the default submit
button red */
Used to select interactive elements
whose values are found within a
range specified by the HTML5 min
and max attributes.
:in-range {color: green;}
/* if in defined range, say 1 -
100, set with min and max, makes
the element green */
Applies styles to elements that are
invalid per HTML5 validations set
by the pattern or implied by the
type attributes for the form control.
:invalid {color: red;}
/* all fields currently in error
are set red */
Applies styles to elements that
are optional (not required to be
addressed before submission) as
defined by all elements without the
HTML5 required attribute set.
:optional {color: gray;}
:out-of-range Used to select interactive elements
whose values are outside the range
specified by the HTML5 min and
max attributes.
:out-of-range {color: red;}
/* if beyond defined range, say
1 - 10,0 set with min and max,
makes the element red */
Used to select elements that are
read-only. When applied to form
elements, this would select fields
with the readonly attribute set.
input:read-only {color: gray;}
/* put all read only fields in
gray */
Used to select elements that
are possible to read and write.
While this would apply to all
form elements, considered
with the emerging use of
contenteditable this suggests
this selector may have value beyond
form fields.
p:read-write {outline: green
solid 10px;}
/* Provides hints on what
paragraphs are editable */
Applies styles to elements that are
required (must be addressed before
submission) as defined by the
HTML5 required attribute.
:required:after {content: " ( *
) "; color: red;}
/* marks the required fields
with common red color and symbol
indicator */
Applies styles to elements that are
valid per HTML5 validations set
either with the pattern or type
:valid {color: green;}
/* all fields not in error are
set green */
T ABLE 6-3 Emerging CSS3 Selectors Summary
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