HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
background This nonstandard attribute, which is supported by nearly every browser,
specifies the URL of a background image for the table. The image is tiled if it is smaller than
the table dimensions. Note that some early versions of Netscape display the background
image in each table cell rather than behind the complete table.
bgcolor This attribute specifies a background color for a table. Its value can be either a
named color, such as red , or a color specified in the hexadecimal #RRGGBB format, such as
#FF0000 .
border This attribute specifies, in pixels, the width of a table's borders. A value of 0 makes
a borderless table, which is useful for graphics layout.
bordercolor This attribute, supported by Internet Explorer and Netscape, is used to set the
border color for a table. The attribute should be used only with a positive value for the
border attribute. The value of the attribute can be either a named color, such as green , or a
color specified in the hexadecimal #RRGGBB format, such as #00FF00 . The color
applications may be slightly different in browsers, since Netscape colors only the outer
border of the table. CSS should be used for border styling instead of this attribute.
bordercolordark This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the darker of two border
colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for cell borders. It must be used with the
border attribute set to a positive value. The attribute value can be either a named color,
such as blue , or a color specified in the hexadecimal #RRGGBB format, such as #0000FF .
CSS should be used for border styling instead of this attribute.
bordercolorlight This Internet Explorer-specific attribute specifies the lighter of two border
colors used to create a three-dimensional effect for cell borders. It must be used with the
border attribute set to a positive value. The attribute value can be either a named color,
such as red , or a color specified in the hexadecimal #RRGGBB format, such as #FF0000 .
CSS should be used for border styling instead of this attribute.
cellpadding This attribute sets the width, in pixels, between the edge of a cell and its
cellspacing This attribute sets the width, in pixels, between individual cells.
cols This attribute specifies the number of columns in the table and is used to help quickly
calculate the size of the table. This attribute was part of the preliminary specification of
HTML 4.0, but was later dropped. A few browsers, notably Netscape and Internet Explorer,
support it.
datapagesize The value of this Microsoft-specific attribute is the number of records that can
be displayed in the table when data binding is used.
frame This attribute specifies which edges of a table are to display a border frame. A value
of above indicates only the top edge; below indicates only the bottom edge; and border
and box indicate all edges, which is the default when the border attribute is a positive
integer. A value of hsides indicates only the top and bottom edges should be displayed;
lhs indicates the left edge should be displayed; rhs indicates the right edge should be
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