HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
It is curious that an element defined to override traditional whitespace rules would allow
such an attribute, and in practice this attribute is not used by developers.
Within PREFORMATTED text A L L formatting IS PRESERVED
NO m a t t e r how wild it is. Remember that some
<b> HTML </b> markup is allowed within the &lt;PRE&gt; element.
HTML 2, 3.2, 4, 4.01, 5
XHTML 1.0, 1.1, Basic
Firefox 1+, Internet Explorer 2+,
Netscape 1+, Opera 4+, Safari 1+
• The HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 transitional specifications state that the applet ,
basefont , big , font , img , object , small , sub , and sup elements should not be used
within a <pre> tag. The strict HTML and XHTML specifications state that only the
<big> , <img> , <object> , <small> , <sub> , and <sup> tags should not be used within
the <pre> tag. The other excluded elements are missing, as they are deprecated from
the strict specification. Although these elements should not be used, it appears that the
more popular browsers will render them anyway.
• The strict HTML and XHTML specifications drop support for the width attribute,
which was not well supported anyway.
• The HTML 2.0 and 3.2 specifications support only the width attribute for the pre
<progress> (Progress Indicator)
This HTML5 element defines completion progress for a task. It is often thought to represent
the percentage from 0 to 100% of some task, such as loading to be completed, though the
range and the unit value are arbitrary.
HTML5 Standard Syntax
accesskey="spaced list of accelerator key(s)"
class="class name(s)"
contenteditable="true | false | inherit"
contextmenu="id of menu"
data-X="user-defined data"
dir="ltr | rtl"
draggable="true | false | auto"
id="unique alphanumeric identifier"
itemid="microdata id in URL format"
itemprop="microdata value"
itemref="space-separated list of IDs that may contain microdata"
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