HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
• The assumption is that values are used in the correct sense; for example, a min value
cannot be greater than a max value, a low value can't be greater than a high value,
an optimum value cannot be greater than a high value, and so on.
• This element is not yet implemented in any browser. However, given that most
browsers can handle custom elements, it would be easy enough to simulate the idea
of it and even apply a CSS display property for it. Using scripting, you might
animate or present some visual representation of the data.
<multicol> (Multiple Column Text)
This Netscape-specific element renders the enclosed content in multiple columns. This
element should not be used; a table is a more standard way to render multiple columns of
text across browsers. CSS properties like column-width and column-count perform the
same function when supported.
Proprietary Syntax (Defined by Netscape)
class="class name(s)"
cols="number of columns"
id="unique alphanumeric identifier"
style="style information"
Element-Specific Attributes
cols This attribute indicates the number of columns in which to display the text. The
browser attempts to fill the columns evenly.
gutter This attribute indicates the width, in pixels, between the columns. The default value
for this attribute is ten pixels.
width This attribute indicates the column width for all columns. The width of each column
is set in pixels and is equivalent for all columns in the group. If the attribute is not specified,
the width of columns will be determined by taking the available window size, subtracting
the number of pixels for the gutter between the columns (as specified by the gutter
attribute), and evenly dividing the result by the number of columns in the group (as set by
the cols attribute).
<multicol cols="3" gutter="20">
Put a long piece of text here....
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