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The direct cloud access supports all OpenNebula-based and OpenStack-based
clouds that
fit to these requirements above. However, the current image is not
usable for VMware-based or Xen-based hypervisors.
Robot certi
cation is currently not available for direct cloud job submissions. In
the near future this restriction will be eliminated by a new release of WS-PGRADE/
4.6 Performance
We have done several performance tests to systematically check how well the DCI
Bridge works under heavy loads. Our test environment consists of a test application
written in Java, script languages, and the DCI Bridge itself. Our test applications are
able to automatically send thousands of jobs (with various job parameters (e.g., job
owner, job type) in high frequency to measure the performance metrics and the job
handling capacity of the DCI Bridge.
From the performance point of view one of the most important DCI Bridge
components is the BES Factory. During our
first example performance test we sent 9
samples of 1,000 con
ned amounts of inputs into the
DCI Bridge. According to our assumptions, the amount of input influences the per-
formance parameter because each input should be retrieved by the input queue before
submitting the job into the targeted DCI. We have launched our tests with various
input sizes (zero, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 inputs). All the other job and
input parameters were similarly con
gured single jobs with prede
gured. The starting phase of the DCI Bridge
services (due to the network topology and services) requires longer processing time,
so we manually eliminated this transient period from our performance results. As
can be seen from Fig. 4.7 , (please note that the horizontal axis is not linear),
Fig. 4.7 BESFactory service performance test results
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