Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.6
The three main parts of the submission phase in WS-PGRADE
component nodes with their status information. Users may suspend or abort the
execution of a running instance. A previously suspended work
ow instance can
be resumed at any time.
3. Once the status of the component node turns to
, the result
files can be
Users can interact with the workflow instance in runtime at the earlier defined
breakpoints. The work
ned breakpoints during the
elaboration of the job instances and suspends the execution. It then noti
ow interpreter detects the de
es the user
about the temporary suspension of the job instance. The user may decide separately
about the future of each suspended job instance by enabling or prohibiting its
progress. Moreover, the user may change the con
guration of the non-executed part
of the work
ow after a global Suspend command issued in a
break pointed
In order to submit work
ows it is necessary to authenticate with the corre-
sponding certi
cate. Grid and cloud authentication require username and password
or user proxies. 7
The authentication mechanism of gUSE is discussed in detail in Chap. 6 .
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