Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 17.7 The portlet for the de nition of an experiment involving the execution of WRF
followed by a hydrological forecast. The small box near Genoa represents the Bisagno river basin
that has to be included in all the nested domains for WRF simulation
possible users
c resources, as, for example, those belonging to
PRACE. This concept of hiding workflows by user-oriented portlets was easily
implementable thanks to the ASM concept of WS-PGRADE/gUSE.
grants on speci
17.4.2 Further Development of the DRIHM Gateway
The DRIHM science gateway is under development at the time of writing this topic.
Some model-speci
c portlets have to be completed, and several aspects have to be
properly addressed due to the complex and heterogeneous nature of the considered
e-infrastructure. Regarding future development, the most important directions are
related to some planned features of gUSE/WS-PGRADE. The
first one is related to
providing data provenance information for the results of the experiments. The pos-
sibility to specify in detail how a result was achieved is of particular importance. In a
future versions gUSE/WS-PGRADE will be interfaced with the Provenance manager
(PROV-man) framework in order tomake these data available (Benabdelkader 2011).
The second one is related to the activities carried out within a related project,
Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology to United States of
America (DRIHM2US, ) is an international cooperation
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