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Fig. 15.4 Emergence of Faraday waves in the density profile of dipolar Bose
Einstein condensate
of chromium
ground state. Harmonic modulation of the radial part of the con
ning potential is
found again to generate Faraday density waves. For strong dipolar interaction,
periods of emergent density waves (see Fig. 15.4 ) are found to be multiples of the
corresponding periods when only contact interaction is present
a feature that has
yet to be understood.
Investigation of fragmentation of Bose
Einstein condensates through periodic
modulation of the scattering length is motivated by recent experimental results on
the dynamics of a cigar-shaped Bose
Einstein condensate of atomic lithium.
Dynamics of such system is investigated numerically, using the AEGIS CMPC SG,
and analytically. It was shown that for resonant drives of large amplitude the
condensate reaches a fragmented state. The fragmented state is a hybrid state of the
condensate that includes a quadrupole mode on which a longitudinal resonant
density wave is grafted.
Geometric resonances in Bose
Einstein condensates were investigated by
solving the underlying time-dependent Gross
Pitaevskii equation for systems with
two- and three-body interactions in an axially symmetric harmonic trap. For this, a
recently developed analytical method (Vidan 2011) was used, as well as a detailed
numerical study of a set of ordinary differential equations for variational parame-
ters. By changing the anisotropy of the con
ning potential, strong nonlinear effects
can be observed numerically and analytically
these are shifts in the frequencies of
collective oscillation modes of the system. Additionally, coupling of collective
modes can be seen, with the coupling strength strongly depending on the geometry
of the system. Such results are highly relevant for experimental studies and help
plan the parameters of experimental setups.
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