Information Technology Reference
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13.4 Conclusions and Future Developments
VisIVO Gateway provides a web-based portal for easily setting up, running, and
evaluating visualizations in astrophysics on large-scale datasets carried out on DCI
resources. The gateway includes a data repository containing the results of produced
images and movies on imported datasets, as well as repositories of fundamental
workflows, which can be set up, used, improved, and distributed by the users.
In this chapter we presented several portlets running in the WS-PGRADE/gUSE
framework that enable standard and advanced VisIVO users to easily set up simple
and more sophisticated VisIVO tasks and to submit them to associated infrastruc-
tures by the click of a button. The results are processed, and related metadata are
available in the portal, and as well are accessible through mobile devices by the
VisIVO Mobile application. Thanks to the developed portlets, the end-users do not
necessarily have to know the parameter
file containing all the set-up options of the
VisIVO software suite or be aware of the computing infrastructure behind the
The use of WS-PGRADE/gUSE in the future will
improve both the user
experience as well as the scienti
c impact of the VisIVO Gateway by enabling end-
users to develop, share, and reuse designed workflows. These might include various
processing jobs, as well as advanced schemes, involving sequences of distributed
filtering and mining calculations, or visualization of speci
c astrophysical numer-
ical simulations or real-world observations.
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