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Astrophysical Observatory of Catania. There are currently about 100 CPU cores
based on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 and more than 10 TBs of disk storage.
The whole infrastructure reliability relies on Nagios [NAGIOS] framework,
which performs computer system monitoring, network monitoring, and infra-
structure monitoring. Nagios offers monitoring and alerting functionalities for
servers, switches, applications, and services. It sends instant noti
cation in case of
service failure by using custom noti
cation mechanisms. Nagios was chosen
because of its easy con
gurability, thus making it suitable for any underlying
distributed infrastructure. Furthermore, the Ossec-Hids tool [OSSEC-HIDS] was set
up to perform intrusion detection via log analysis,
file integrity checking, policy
monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting, and active response.
13.2.4 Testing
VisIVO Science Gateway is undergoing testing under the ETICS system (Meglio
2008) based on the Metronome software (Pavlo 2006). Web testing is performed on
the VisIVO portlets. The purpose of these tests is to validate the local and the
remote VisIVO importer portlet on testable input
files and input parameters and to
validate the VisIVO filter and VisIVO viewer portlets on testable imported datasets.
The tests are considered as passed if the VisIVO binary table and the produced
filtered VBTs and images are available in the internal data management portlet and
the user can download them and get information on the relative metadata.
Web testing has been adopted mainly because it is platform- and application-
independent for testing in different environments and supports different technolo-
gies in a uniform way through test libraries. The employed testing tools include:
Robot framework [ROBOT] (a generic test automation environment) with Selenium
[SELENIUM] (a web test automation tool) and Sikuli [SIKULI] (image-based GUI
test tool). Robot framework is used for testing distributed, heterogeneous applica-
tions, where veri
cation requires touching several technologies and interfaces.
Users create test cases using a simple syntax in a human readable format manner.
Currently, a number of tests are also under development for the VisIVO Mobile
application. A Robot Framework environment [ROBOTiOS] has been integrated
with xcode. It uses Calabash iOS Server [CALABASH] to communicate with the
mobile application, similarly to how Selenium connects to the web browser.
13.3 Usage and Operation Experiences
VisIVO Science Gateway and VisIVO Mobile rely entirely on WS-PGRADE/
gUSE framework. Thanks to the ASM API, the gateway was extended with the
VisIVO portlets to provide an integrated and easy-to-use interface to the users
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