Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 10.4 Administrator processing view: all processing jobs on the right ; detailed information
about selected processing and its submissions on the left ; box shows detailed error message
10.2.3 Presentation Layer
The presentation layer consists of components that provide web-based user inter-
faces to interact with the system. They are meant for two user pro
les: neurosci-
entists, called end-users here, and administrators. e-BioInfra Browser (eBrowser)
The eBrowser utilizes the Vaadin web application framework [VAADIN] to gen-
erate the web-based user interfaces. The eBrowser is developed to provide the end-
users with an interface to browse projects, data, and processing entities by retrieving
the information from eCAT. It also enables end-users to easily start, manage, and
monitor data processing on DCIs through the PM. When a user selects one or more
data items to process, the eBrowser only displays the applications that are com-
patible with the selected data, based on the metadata and application speci
The eBrowser also provides interfaces for system administrators. The adminis-
s dashboard displays monitoring information about all of the user data pro-
cessing activities, and enables intervention on error. For example, in case of a
failure during the execution of a workflow, a brief error message is displayed at the
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