Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9.1 SCI-BUS environment
Workflow developers can upload workflows either automatically (export operation)
through the gateway, or manually through the repository GUI. Workflow devel-
opers can search the workflow repository, and then select and download the
workflows they want to incorporate in the customized ASM portlets. They can
publish the portlets manually in the SCI-BUS portlet repository. Community
gateway system administrators can manually download and add these customized
ASM portlets to their community gateways.
There are two possible SCI-BUS development scenarios. In the
first scenario,
workflow developers
first create workflows on the community science gateway and
then upload them to the workflow repository. Next, the portlet developers elaborate
ASM portlets. They either select workflows from the workflow repository, or
develop them from scratch, and incorporate the workflows into ASM portlets.
Finally, they publish these portlets in the portlet repository. In the second scenario
different communities develop their own community portal. They can either
develop all portlets and workflows from scratch, or search the repositories and
portlets and workflows they want to reuse. Reusing portlets and workflows that
have been published in repositories can simplify and speed up the science gateway
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