Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The staging of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens marks Greece's coming of age. Win-
ners receive a silver medal and olive crown, and second and third places receive a bronze medal
and a laurel branch, respectively.
Sir Arthur Evans begins excavations at Knossos, quickly unearthing the palace and stunning the
archaeological world with the discovery of the advanced Minoan civilisation.
The Balkan Wars erupt when Greece and Serbia initially side with Bulgaria against Turkey over
Macedonia. Then Greece and Serbia fight for the same territory against Bulgaria. Greece's ter-
ritory expands.
The outbreak of WWI sees Greece initially neutral but eventually siding with the Western Allies
against Germany and Turkey on the promise of land in Asia Minor.
Greece embarks on the 'Great Idea' to unite former Hellenic regions, including those in Asia
Minor. It fails and leads to a population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, referred
to as the Asia Minor catastrophe.
Greece is proclaimed a republic and King George II leaves Greece. The Great Depression coun-
ters the nation's return to stability. Monarchists and parliamentarians under Venizelos tussle
for control.
The monarchy is restored and King George II is reappointed to the throne. Right-wing General
Ioannis Metaxas adopts the role of prime minister while introducing dictatorial measures of
On 28 October Metaxas famously rebuffs the Italian request to traverse Greece at the beginning
of WWII. The Italians engage Greek forces and are driven back into Albania.
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