Chemistry Reference
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µ n represent the vapour and nuclei chemical potentials, respectively.
The chemical potential expresses the work associated with changing the number of
particles in the phase, vapour or solid.
µ v and
, also called supersaturation, appears as
the thermodynamic driving force of the crystallization process.
γ and
γ denote the
interfacial energies per unit area (in units of J m 2
Nm 1 ) of planes parallel and
perpendicular to the substrate surface, respectively.
γ is the variation of the free
energy per unit area of the substrate interface associated with the replacement of
the substrate/vapour interface with free energy
γ sv by the substrate/nucleus (
γ ns )
γ is given by the expression
γ = γ nv + γ ns γ sv , making patent this balance, and can be expressed via the
specific free energy of adhesion
γ nv ) interfaces. The value of
and nucleus/vapour (
γ ad . This magnitude represents the work per unit in-
terface area that has to be performed in order to achieve reversible isothermal separa-
tion of the nucleus from the substrate.
γ can be expressed as
γ =
γ nv γ ad
γ ad = γ nv + γ sv γ ns . When the adhesion is strong (weak),
γ <
γ >
0), leading to complete (incomplete) wetting.
γ =
γ nv + γ n σ
γ σ v , where
γ σ v represent the nucleus edge/vapour, nucleus edge/
step and step/vapour interface tensions, respectively. The factor 3 results from the
choice of nucleus shape, in this case a parallelepiped, and is thus model-dependent.
Values of
γ nv ,
γ n σ
1Jm 2 ) (Northrup
et al ., 2002; Verlaak et al ., 2003). According to first-principles pseudopotential DFT
calculations (Northrup et al ., 2002) the (001) surface of pentacene is found to be
the lowest in energy, having a formation energy of 0.15 eV per surface unit cell.
This translates into a surface energy
γ nv for several MOMs lie below 0.7 eV nm 2 (
γ nv of 0.31 eV nm 2 . On the other hand the
(010) surface of pentacene has a formation energy of 0.75 eV per surface unit cell,
corresponding to 0.64 eV nm 2 . Inorganic solids exhibit surface energies of the
order of 5-10 eV nm 2 .
Equation (5.1) describes the size effects associated with the presence of a finite
nucleus and reflects the balance between bulk and surface contributions. The lim-
iting case L
represents the ideal formation of a film under complete wetting.
The convention is that the system evolves towards negative values of G . When
0 the interface term dominates over the bulk term (low L values) while the op-
posite situation is found for G
0 (higher L values). Under the condition
0, G c and the critical length L c of nucleation, are given by the expressions:
h 2
G c
h µ γ ,
L c =
µ γ .
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