Environmental Engineering Reference
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networks, due to zero loop time constants, the charge redistribution pro-
cess among capacitors takes place at switching instants instantaneously.
Once the ON resistance of MOS switches are considered, the redistri-
bution of charge is governed by the loop time constant. These circuits
exhibit distinct characteristics as compared with ideal switched capaci-
tor networks and are called periodically switched circuits to distinguish
them from ideal switched capacitor networks. Clearly, ideal switched
capacitor networks are a subset of general periodically switched circuits.
Due to incomplete charge transfer, numerical integration algorithms are
needed to determine the voltage of capacitors and the current of induc-
tors in these circuits at the end of each clock phase.
Many computer-oriented formulation methods were proposed for anal-
ysis of ideal switched capacitor networks and general switched networks.
Among them, equivalent-circuit [23, 24], transmission matrix [25, 26, 27],
switching matrix [28, 29], signal flow diagram [30, 31, 32], state-space
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