Environmental Engineering Reference
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sponse is not important and the network variables reach their steady-
state values before reaching the end of clock phases. In these cases, it is
computationally advantageous to model switches as an ideal device, lead-
ing to ideal switching. Ideal switching, however, may cause an abrupt
change in nodal voltages, as observed in Fig.2.3. The abrupt change in
the capacitor voltage gives rise to an impulsive capacitor current that
redistributes the charge instantaneously. In a similar manner one can
show that when inductors are encountered, ideal switching may give rise
to an abrupt change in loop currents, resulting in impulsive inductor
2. Formulation Methods for
Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits
2.1 A Historical Perspective
In the early stages of the development of computer methods for cir-
cuits with externally clocked switches, in particular, ideal switched ca-
pacitor networks that are composed of ideal operational amplifiers, ideal
voltage sources, voltage-controlled voltage sources, capacitors, and ideal
switches only, many formulation methods were proposed to deal with
the time-varying topology of these circuits. In ideal switched capacitor
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