Environmental Engineering Reference
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Modeling of White Noise
There are two widely used methods for representing white noise in
the time domain. The first approach models a white noise source using
a set of sinusoids. It was shown in [56] that a stationary random process
can be represented by
Note that is a random variable. The usefulness of this approach
in practice, however, is rather limited, mainly due to the high cost of
computation because the circuit needs to be solved at frequencies
in order to yield the output noise power of the circuit.
The second approach represents a white noise source with a train of
pulses with the pulse width set by the noise bandwidth of the circuit
where is the equivalent noise bandwidth of the circuits
[19], and the pulse amplitude A set by where N (0 , 1) is
a normally distributed random number generator with zero mean and
unit standard deviation, and
is the total output noise power of the
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