Geology Reference
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F IG . 10.9 ( a , b ) Equinoctial sunset behind the spire of Glasgow University
(Photos by Linda Lunan, March 21, 2011)
stones that have lain unused under a tree near the circle since
1979 (Fig. 10.10 ) .
Perhaps it's a good omen (recalling the demolition of the Pink-
ston Power Station's cooling tower) that in the last 2 years some of
the Sighthill high flats near the circle have been demolished, clear-
ing the northerly major standstill moonrise (Fig. 10.11 ) and the
incinerator and the distillery on the Summerhill have gone like-
wise, clearing the midsummer sunset arc with its major and minor
standstill moonsets (Fig. 10.12 ) . The incinerator's fumes made
their presence felt anywhere within a mile, whichever way the
wind was blowing, and as soon as it shut down, the stones began
to acquire a covering of lichen for the first time (Fig. 10.13 ) .
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