Geology Reference
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F IG . 8.21 Extreme southerly moonrise prediction, on the horizon of Cath-
kin Braes, over Glasgow Royal Infirmary to the right of the Cathedral spire
(Working photograph by Gavin Roberts, drawing by author)
F IG . 8.22 ( a , b ) After major standstill southerly moonrise. Moon curving
right at low altitude. For the attachment to the central stone, see Chap. 10 .
The airborne blobs in Fig. 8.22b are pollen being released as night fell (Pho-
tos by Bob Graham of North Lanarkshire Astronomy Project, July 27, 2007)
demolished in the 1990s, though the steeple was restored and pre-
served (Fig. 8.28 ). The poet Brian Finch wrote, in a series of satiri-
cal haiku mocking Glasgow's pretensions as 'City of Architecture
and Design': [ 4 ]
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