Geology Reference
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F IG . 5.2 Solar events at Ballochroy (after Alexander Thom) featured in
Dr. Roy's 1964 lectures
Jerry Bigham from Florida. It was an overcast summer's day; and
one interesting point was that from a distance of 20 yards or so we
could plainly see the daggers and axes carved on the outer faces of
the stones, that according to the guidebooks could be seen only in
oblique sunlight in spring and autumn. In form they resemble the
weapons of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, and at that
time, they were taken to be evidence that Stonehenge has been
built by visitors from the Mediterranean c.1500 b.c. [ 4 ].
In 1974, following publication of my book Man and the Stars ,
I was contacted by Alan Evans, who was then a captain in British
Military Intelligence. He had access to high-resolution photographs
of Stonehenge, classified at that time, which showed markings
that weren't on the official plans. He believed that they might indi-
cate galactic alignments, which would be staggering if not just an
extraordinary coincidence. I checked them out using the dates for
Stonehenge that were accepted at the time, and drew a blank. But
soon afterwards, an article by Archie Roy in the Glasgow Herald
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