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It should however be noted that the Y chromosome can also acquire genetic
material from other chromosomes. For example, the multicopy DAZL1 gene
(Yq11.23; deleted in azoospermia) was transposed to the Y chromosome from an
autosome during primate evolution (Glaser et al ., 1998; Saxena et al ., 1996; Shan
et al ., 1996) as was the multicopy RNA-binding motif ( RBM1 ; Yq11) gene (Chai
et al ., 1998; Delbridge et al ., 1997). It may be that transfer to a male-specific loca-
tion provided protection against inactivation or loss. Another example of the
duplicational transposition of a gene to the Y chromosome is that of AMELX
(Xp22.1-p22.31) and its Y-chromosome counterpart AMELY (Yp11.2); the latter
gene, which appears to be fully functional, is present on the Y chromosomes of
bovids and primates but not rodents thereby dating the transpositional event to at
least 40 Myrs ago (Toyosawa et al ., 1998).
In humans, the XG blood group gene (Xp22.32) spans the major PAR on the X
chromosome—the first three exons are pseudoautosomal whereas the remaining
seven are X chromosome-specific (Weller et al ., 1995). In humans and the great
apes, an Alu sequence is located at the boundary between the major PAR and the
Y chromosome-specific DNA (Ellis et al ., 1990) but this sequence is not present
in Old World monkeys. The Alu sequence was therefore inserted into the pre-
existing boundary after the divergence of the great apes from the Old World
monkeys. Although it did not create the boundary, the Alu sequence does serve
to demarcate it.
Ellis et al . (1994) proposed a model for the formation of the boundary of the
major PAR. They hypothesized a pericentric inversion of the Y chromosome with
one breakpoint in the ancestral XG gene and the other breakpoint 5 kb distal to
the ancestral SRY gene. In a refinement of this postulate, Fukagawa et al . (1996)
suggested that the inversion occurred by illegitimate recombination between two
PAR boundary sequences, one in the ancestral XG gene and the other near the
ancestral SRY gene.
The PAR has undergone quite rapid change during mammalian evolution
involving both gene duplication and translocation events in the region (e.g. STS ,
MIC2 , XG , CSF2RA , IL3RA , ARSD , ARSE ; Meroni et al ., 1996; Ried et al .,
1998) and resulting in the movement of the PAR boundary to create X-unique
regions (Perry et al ., 1998). The evolution of the PAR and the divergence of the
mammalian X and Y chromosomes may be viewed in terms of the 'addition-attri-
tion' hypothesis (Graves, 1995; Graves et al ., 1998a). This states that the incorpo-
ration of autosomal sequences into the PAR of either the X or Y chromosome
initially served to generate homologous regions which could pair at meiosis.
Recombination with an homologous partner could then result in PAR enlarge-
ment. Alternatively, the steadily accumulating mutations on the Y chromosome
would have served to decrease the level of homology to the X chromosome
thereby reducing PAR size. Fukagawa et al . (1996) proposed a further twist to this
argument in that once divergence had reached a certain level, recombination fre-
quency would have decreased thereby further increasing the rate of divergence.
Evidence in favor of the addition-attrition theory comes from the dynamic
nature of the major PAR region during mammalian evolution. Thus, the STS
gene which is X-linked in humans and the great apes (Xp22.32) is autosomal in
prosimians as is the ANT3 gene which is pseudoautosomal (Yp11.3) in humans
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