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8.5.8 Truncated gene copies
In some cases, only a portion of a gene may be involved in these intra-chromoso-
mal duplication events [e.g. the polycystic kidney disease 1 ( PKD1 ; 16p13.3)
gene; Hughes et al ., 1995]. This often results, as in the PKD1 example cited, in the
generation of a linked pseudogene representing a partial copy of the parental
source gene (for other examples, see Chapter 6, section 6.1.1). However, truncated
copies need not always be inactive. Thus, the melanin-concentrating hormone
( PMCH ; 12q23-q24) gene has become partially duplicated during primate evolu-
tion to generate two truncated copies ( PMCHL1 and PMCHL2 ) which have been
translocated to chromosome 5p14 and 5q12-q13 respectively (Viale et al ., 1998).
These variant gene copies possess open reading frames, are expressed in a distinc-
tive tissue-specific fashion and, in the authors' opinion, may represent 'genes in
search of a function'.
8.5.9 Duplicational polymorphisms
Some gene duplications occur as polymorphic variants in the human population,
for example the red ( RCP ; Xq28) and green ( GCP ; Xq28) visual pigment ( Figure
9.6 ; Neitz et al ., 1995; Neitz and Neitz 1995) gene. Human males with trichro-
matic vision typically possess one RCP gene, one, two, or more GCP genes and an
RCP / GCP hybrid gene ( Figure 9.6 ; Drummond-Borg et al ., 1989; Nathans et al .,
1986a; 1986b; Neitz and Neitz, 1995; Neitz et al ., 1995). However, some males
with apparently normal color vision can possess 4 RCP genes and 6 or 7 GCP
genes (Neitz and Neitz, 1995). This notwithstanding, only one GCP gene is nor-
mally expressed, probably as a result of the activity of a locus control region
upstream of the RCP gene (Winderickx et al ., 1992).
Other examples of duplicational polymorphisms include the
1-globin ( HBA1 ,
16p13.3; Lie-Injo et al ., 1981),
-globin ( HBZ , 16p13.3; Winichagoon et al ., 1982),
-globin ( HBG2 ; 11p15; Thein et al ., 1984), haptoglobin ( HP ; 16q22.1; Maeda
et al ., 1986) and proline-rich protein ( PRB1, PRB2, PRB3, PRB4 ; 12p13.2;
Lyons et al ., 1988) genes. Duplicational polymorphisms may even manifest as
gene cluster copy number variation, for example that involving the CYP21 ,
Figure 8.10. Common haplotypes of genes present on human chromosome 6p21.3 (after
Figueroa, 1997). CYP21 Open square. CYP21P Solid square. C4B Stippled square. C4A
Hatched square.
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