Geoscience Reference
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One emerging technology is rapid scan agile beam phased array radar. This might be the
ultimate radar providing it exceeds all the capabilities on the current network at faster scan
rates. If in addition it proves to fulfill security and aviation needs (tracking of airplanes,
missiles) it could revolutionize the current radar paradigm.
7. Acknowledgment
The author is grateful to Rich Ice, Darcy Saxion, Alan Free, and Dave Zittel for advice and
valuable information about the WSR-88D. Sebastian Torres provided several figures and
comments concerning technical aspects and designed signal processing for the MPAR. Dave
Warde contributed figures and details about ground clutter and some VCPs. Collaboration
with Dick Doviak is reflected in the requirements section. Allen Zahrai was in charge of
engineering developments on MPAR and KOUN; Doug Forsyth lead the MPAR team in
outstanding support and development of that platform.
8. References
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Doviak, R.J., & D. S. Zrnic (2006). Doppler radar and weather observations . Second edition,
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Heiss, W.H, D.L McGrew, & D. Sirmans (1990). Next generation weather radar (WSR- 88D).
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