Image Processing Reference
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promise to assist law enforcement officers and agencies in policing urban
environments and to address security issues in any community. However, for
the successful application of new technologies, it must be possible to identify
what is currently available, or under development, that could be transferred
to law enforcement activities in an efficient and timely manner. As we have
shown in the examples of Dubai Police practices in Dubai City of the United
Arab Emirates (UAE), remotely sensed data and geospatial technologies can
be used for better command level decision-making and are most useful in the
reconstruction and enhancement of crime scenes as well as the reduction of
response time for law enforcement decision-making in a timely manner.
Policing, including crime mapping, is undergoing a tremendous change
under the influence of the long-term impacts of technological changes. This
is made clear by the increasing number of applications in crime mapping,
which are becoming more sophisticated and integrated. GIS crime mapping
is no longer an innovative tool to be discussed theoretically, and maps are not
to be judged like works of art. Both have become valuable tools in the hands
of experienced law enforcement personnel and practitioners, crime analysts
and criminologists who try to identify and analyze crime through trials of
what is possible to achieve the ultimate goal. In addition to technological and
methodological innovations in crime mapping, a debate about the disclosure
of crime data will continue into the foreseeable future (Harries 1999 ).
Internet resources for Crime Mapping and Analysis
Tutorial by the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS)
Law enforcement decisions at Geodecisions
Cambridge Police Department
Study Questions
What is the role of a remote sensing expert in solving law enforcement (police)
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