Image Processing Reference
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Speculate on the range of other ratio and vector based vegetation indices that
could have also been used and compare them to the NDVI discussing how
these indices are calculated and the way in which they are used to measure
vegetation abundance.
Discuss the implication of plant behavior on vegetation ratio-based indices
on any time series/change analysis study, where the sun-angle may change
significantly throughout time.
The above case study utilized the red band of LANDSAT TM image to calculate
urban change through image differencing under the assumption that this band
helps distinguish a range of urban features associated with informal settlements
in Istanbul. However, another band or subset of bands could be used in other
urban application or city settings to map change. Describe a strategy you might
develop for quantitatively choosing the optimal subset of bands in relation to
another city of your choice or other urban application areas (urban flood model-
ing, urban drought, urban sustainable development, etc.).
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