Image Processing Reference
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Compact Development
Scattered Development
Linear Strip Development
Polynucleated Development
Leapfrogging Development
Fig. 2.1 Physical patterns defining sprawl (Galster et al. 2001 )
pose a major planning problem for urban remote sensing which can only be resolved
by fusing socioeconomic data into their interpretations.
Another classification is that of Camagni (Camagni et al. 2002 ), who has iden-
tified five types of suburban development patterns on the basis of the level of land
consumption that each type requires. This classification seeks to gauge impacts,
and also makes use of the same criteria (e.g., density and physical configuration)
used in the previous two classifications (see Table 2.2 ). The Camagni classifica-
tion provides an idealized taxonomy, and real world instances of urban sprawl
development may be positioned on a continuum passing through these idealized
types. We will present some of these real cases below in our outline of the
SCATTER model.
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