Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter Summary
Urban and sub-urban landscapes of desert cities are shaped by various
factors such as desertification, economic development, wars and conflicts.
Furthermore, there are remarkable differences in the level and pace of
urbanization between the sub-regions and among developing countries.
Urban areas of desert cities can be mapped out and monitored using remote
sensing data and appropriate change detection and analysis techniques. There
are several techniques available, of which we concentrated on those more
suitable to the technical context and infrastructure of developing countries.
These include photo-interpretation techniques assisted by computer to produce
the classified imagery maps of land use categories and the comparison of the
classified imagery land use changes in urban areas. GIS tools were used to
produce the evolution matrix, which presents the whole changes occurred
over time and allows for the analysis of these land use changes.
Internet Resources
2nd FIG Regional Conference
2003 , Marrakech, Morocco
6th Annual ESRI Middle-East and North Africa User Conference,
2002, Dubai.
Asian Conference for Remote Sensing.
Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space (UNISPACE-3) 1999 , Vienna, Austria.
Durrat Al Bahrain Real Estate Project.
Study Questions
Discuss with examples some significant environmental and socio-economical
problems related to desert cities.
Discuss the range of potential applications of remote sensing in desert cities.
There are several land use change detection techniques available. Which one
was discussed in this chapter? Which ones may have also proven to be suitable
for the case studies presented in this chapter? Why?
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