Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
ERDAS Imagine (Leica Systems).
IDRISI Kilimanjaro (Clark Labs).
eCognition 3.0 (Definiens Imaging GmbH). Free evaluation available.
Study Questions
How many practical urban applications would benefit from the classification of
satellite sensor data?
Compare and contrast land cover and land use with respect to various urban
Discuss the dilemma of, on the one hand, increasing spatial resolution and, on
the other, decreasing classification accuracy in the interpretation of urban cate-
gories from satellite sensor data.
Do you think spectral-based classification or spatial-based pattern recognition
are more intuitive in how urban areas are structured and how processes are
How processes are interpreted?
You will need to install ENVI Guided Evaluation software from the following RSI
link and download a fully functional version which
runs in restricted sessions of 7 min. You will also need to save the image belfast_
subset from the Topic's homepage at (
cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-40106-22-107950926-0,00.html) to your local hard disc.
This is a small subset of a pan-sharpened 4 m multispectral IKONOS image of the
city of Belfast in Northern Ireland (alternatively you can follow the same steps
using an image subset of your own city).
Data import : Start ENVI Evaluation version. From File choose Open Image File
and select belfast_subset . Another window will open, Available Bands List .
Click on RGB Color and make sure that Layer 4 is loaded in Red , Layer 3 in
Green and Layer 2 in Blue . Click on Load RGB .
Display : Two other windows of differing resolutions will pop open. You may
synchronize these windows to zoom in and out of the image. The subset matches
the configuration of built structures as used in Figs. 8.4 and 8.5 . Notice the red
areas correspond to vegetation, the linear arrangement of the roads is also dis-
cernible but the buildings vary in composition and are difficult to delineate.
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