Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: 100 kr (tickets sold in gift shop inside, or sometimes
outside the gate in summer); late June-Aug daily 10:00-18:00, May and Sept
daily 10:00-16:00, Oct-April generally Sat-Sun only 10:00-16:00; tel. 0480/
451-490, .
Getting There: To reach the castle from the center of town, consider tak-
ing a short detour to the Old Town and ending your stroll at the castle (route
described under “In the Old Town, near the Castle,” later).
Tours: Catch the one-hour English tour to hear about the goofy medieval
antics of Sweden's kings (included in admission price, offered daily late June-
mid-Aug usually at 11:30, 13:30, and 14:30, reconfirm times by phone or on
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