Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: 50 kr, Easter-mid-Nov daily 10:00-18:00, closed off-
season, just outside Kosta on the road to Orrefors, tel. 0478/50770, .
Eating in Glass Country
You'll find plenty of simple eateries designed for day-trippers. For example,
the cafeteria in the outlet mall at the big Kosta complex is the perfect place
for fast and cheap, Ikea-style Swedish grub.
If you'd like to linger over a more serious dinner, consider joining one of
the special hyttsill dinners at various glass workshops. Traditionally, a hot
shop's fires made it a popular place to convene after hours on frigid winter
nights. People would huddle around the ovens and be entertained by wan-
dering minstrel-type entertainers called luffar . The food was nothing special
( hyttsill literally means “hot shop herring,” usually served with crispy pork,
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